Listening without it impossible?

I came across an interesting quotation about texts which applies, it seems, to music listening and audio:

"We never really confront audio immediately, in all its freshness as a thing-in-itself. Rather, audio comes before us as the always-already-heard; we apprehend it through sedimented layers of previous interpretations or --if the audio is brand new -- through the sedimented listening habits and categories developed by those interpretive traditions." [Paraphrased from Frederic Jameson in The Political Unconscious (1981)]

If this application to audio is accurate, it indicates that what we hear and how we listen are profoundly influenced by how we talk about it, argue about it, interpret it. The ways we talk about it and who we talk about it with change the very ways we “confront” or encounter it the next time.

This would apply not only to the macro impressions about entire songs or even passages of songs, but even the minute ways we describe the details. (Using “etched” to describe the “highs” or “boomy” to describe the “lows,” and so on.) It also would set aside, as obtuse, the repeated suggestion that one can ignore what people say and “just get back to listening for oneself.” There is no such way of listening. Yes, one can move away from the computer, for days or weeks or more, but the notion that one can move one’s “own” mind away from the “sedimented layer of previous interpretations” is, well impossible.

I’m not sure, personally, where I fall on this interesting question. Just wanted to share it.


Listening and interpreting is how one’s ears become trained. In fact all our senses work that way. The outcome should be better not worse. So I am not seeing a problem with how things just kinda naturally work. Am I oversimplifying things? Maybe there is a problem with how we naturally operate that I am not aware of?  I’m kind of shy about complaining to the big guy though.

Listening without interpretation is the definition of journalism...and also meditation. 

Can you let go of your beliefs? or disbeliefs? and just listen?

That is up to the individual doing the listening, some can.... many can't. 

One thing which I definitely take away from the quotation is the idea that good discussions about audio have are integral to the changing meaning of the experiences of listening. Same thing has been true when I listen with a friend and we comment to one another --

"Notice that?" "That was kind of 'edgy'" "Really, I liked the 'sparkle' in that cymbal -- not edgy to me. Listen again." And so on.

Or when I read good writers reviewing speakers or other gear. They communicate a whole narrative of how they take the sound, how it moves them. And I listen again, with their words now part of my background. I don't necessarily am bent toward their words, but their words become part of what I anticipate, even sensorily.


If someone meditate and can forget when listening all his history and biases by definition, he did not listen to MUSIC anymore but to Sound frequencies or to silence...

This way of listening is very therapeutic, the more we put ourself into it...

But it is no more culturally and individually performed music which we listen to , it is communion with sound as an uncreated force...

In that silence and sound change their role, suddenly sound ressemble to silence and silence contain sound....

AUM is no more sound or silence but both...

Listening without interpretation is the definition of journalism...and also meditation.

Can you let go of your beliefs? or disbeliefs? and just listen?

That is up to the individual doing the listening, some can.... many can’t.

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