Why I'm not adding a sub to my 2-way monitors for music


I've updated my blog post with more data, more analysis and the conclusion that in my particular case I do not need a subwoofer.  I encourage everyone who is on the fence about adding a subwoofer or not to read and comment.  I think that either way you'll be able to make more informed buying and configuration choices.

Everyone's situation is different but I hope the post helps you get to the right conclusions.



Dear @prof : Well, you are owner of Thiel speakers and this per sé says a lot. Till today every time I listened to Thiel speakers normally I like it and performs with high quality level under its model design limitations.

JT designs are all excellent not only in the choosed drivers but its box design/bracing. When we touch the speakers even at 90+dbs SPL we can’t be aware of almost any vibration/resonance.

JT speakers, even his top models, does not permit bi-amp by design. His designs were designed to be " untouchable " by audiophiles/DYs.


Your speakers does not needs subs and that’s why you do not need it, the CS 7.2 reproduce bass frequencies as low as around 23hz to 25hz and with low distortion levels but not all audiophiles own your Thiel speakers and that’s why we almost all needs subwoofers . The OP needs it too.


So your critic about the ones that we use subs are really unfair. Problem with all two way speaker designs and almost all 3 and up ways speaker designs is that normally the woofer crossover frequency is to high at around 350hz-400hz and in 2-way designs at least at 2khz and those facts makes that IMD been really high, so when we liberates the woofers from bass frequencies below 80hz-100hz then we have a true and real improvement that you or any one else can't make a negative critic because those subs are a specific and real necessity to enhance our quality level performance in our room/system of what we like : enjoyment of MUSIC.


That’s all and yes not for you. Btw, as a side advantages when integrated subs the main amplifier(s) are under lower distresss and room/system is benefited with higher headroom where it matters because the main amps are working a lot better in the mid/hi ranges and now we have dedicated powered subs designed expressely for the low bass range: we have all we need or can dream. Don't you think?



Actually Thiel made a number of subwoofers to go with his speakers.  Apparently really excellent and made specially to blend with Thiel speakers, especially.

So it's not like Thiel speakers were "subwoofer proof" or something.  I know that a number of people found great satisfaction pairing their Thiels with subwoofers.  I happen to not be one of them, that's all.

And I was not critiquing people who use subs.   Why would I?  Tons of people have found subwoofers enhanced the enjoyment of their system.   I was only talking about my personal experience and reaction to subwoofer systems I've heard, and in regard to my own attempts to add subwoofers.

I've seen very elaborate subwoofer threads (e.g. on AVSforum and elsewhere) and it amazes me how much effort some have gone in to integrating subwoofers - even building them DIY, measuring room response, lots of experimenting with room correction, treatments etc.   If that's their bliss, more power to them.  I just feel I have only so much time I want to devote to such a project, especially given how much I like the sound of my speakers as they are.


Dear @prof  : I don't know ofr read somewhere that a CS7.2 owner used subs integrated with liberating the Thiel woofers for that low bass range posted.


Yes, I know and heard once thge Thiel sub. My post was specific for your Thiel model but I have to say that my last listening to that model was several years ago and " things " change over time as our " mind " too.



P.S. - I just added distortion measurements to the original blog. Honestly, the numbers seem low, about 2% at 20 Hz???

I’m in the middle of a HT install (with a sub!) so I may not be able to get back to it, but I wanted you all to know I did in fact do more on this but that it probably deserves more exploration before I stand by the distortion numbers.





Sorry gang, I dropped this thread due to being busy at work, and busy re-working the HT part of the living room.  I'll try to catch up on the questions by this weekend.