Actually Thiel made a number of subwoofers to go with his speakers. Apparently really excellent and made specially to blend with Thiel speakers, especially.
So it's not like Thiel speakers were "subwoofer proof" or something. I know that a number of people found great satisfaction pairing their Thiels with subwoofers. I happen to not be one of them, that's all.
And I was not critiquing people who use subs. Why would I? Tons of people have found subwoofers enhanced the enjoyment of their system. I was only talking about my personal experience and reaction to subwoofer systems I've heard, and in regard to my own attempts to add subwoofers.
I've seen very elaborate subwoofer threads (e.g. on AVSforum and elsewhere) and it amazes me how much effort some have gone in to integrating subwoofers - even building them DIY, measuring room response, lots of experimenting with room correction, treatments etc. If that's their bliss, more power to them. I just feel I have only so much time I want to devote to such a project, especially given how much I like the sound of my speakers as they are.