I not aware of ongoing quality issues with the Pro-Ject RS2 transport. I know there’s been a mention by one user that the transport did not read the final tracks of a specific CD. A few reports of a noisy spinning disc, I've had neither. Any component can have a problem here or there and this includes the Pro-Ject. Overall the feedback from owners is very positive regarding sound quality and trouble free use day to day.
CEC is definitely a good sounding transport (Particularly their upper models) and has an excellent track record of reliability. On the numerous Pro-Ject threads listeners familiar with the CEC have compared it to the Pro-Ject RS2 transport and preferred the latter. We all recognize that these listening impressions are subjective and formed by various individual factors.
Certainly their is room for both and other high quality CD transports in the High End audio marketplace. So to each their own. I can report 2 observations as an owner of the Pro-Ject.
It sounds fantastic and thus far I’ve had no functional or operational problems.