Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption

Came across this today. A lot of posts bring up the issue of "how much is enough?" or "when is audio consumption justified" etc.

Does this Nietzsche aphorism apply to audio buying? You be the judge! 

Friedrich Nietzsche“Danger in riches. — Only he who has spirit ought to have possessions: otherwise possessions are a public danger. For the possessor who does not know how to make use of the free time which his possessions could purchase him will always continue to strive after possessions: this striving will constitute his entertainment, his strategy in his war against boredom. 

Thus in the end the moderate possessions that would suffice the man of spirit are transformed into actual riches – riches which are in fact the glittering product of spiritual dependence and poverty. They only appear quite different from what their wretched origin would lead one to expect because they are able to mask themselves with art and culture: for they are, of course, able to purchase masks. By this means they arouse envy in the poorer and the uncultivated – who at bottom are envying culture and fail to recognize the masks as masks – and gradually prepare a social revolution: for gilded vulgarity and histrionic self-inflation in a supposed ‘enjoyment of culture’ instil into the latter the idea ‘it is only a matter of money’ – whereas, while it is to some extent a matter of money, it is much more a matter of spirit.” 

Nietzsche, Friedrich. 1996. Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits. Cambridge University Press. (p. 283-4, an aphorism no. 310)

I'm pretty sure @mahgister will want to read this one! (Because they speak so artfully about avoiding the diversion that consumption poses to the quest for true aesthetic and acoustic excellence.)


But what my last posts about a world crisis has to do with sound/music experience?




Sound/music experience is a spirit/body perceptive event related to some conditions and material factors in the world: a room and an audio system....


Half of this correlation, the gear, is presented as the main causing factor excluding the main participating factor : our body location in a room acoustically controlled...

Like in the health crisis, some factors ,the gear, are presented by most reviewers to be the more important one and the other, the room acoustic , presented as secondary or inexistant (first treatment versus mass vaccination )...

Here is the lie behind the mass market audio conditioning of the mass or big pharma control....All factors are important, all of them, not only the chosen one only by the power behind the curtail ....

Gear+room and group at risk focussed Vaccination+ first treatment...

Mandated mass vaccination for ALL is a destruction of health and freedom...Gear system sold in audio magazine to be the main factor of sound experience is a destruction of our musical and acoustical awareness...

If one of these two factors is lacking or ERASED, or underscore completely and systematically it is because there is a LIE.....



« By his precise distance from truth, an error point rigorously toward truth after analysis; but an half truth, with a lie by omission hidden in it, veil the truth completely»-Anonymus Statistician



You said too much and you said too less...

Spitting is not thinking....

And do you speak about everyone ignorance in this thread or only mine?

If it is mine, enlighten me... If you dare to speak about all the people alleged ignorance indistinctly in this thread spare us your spitting, stay silent....



«It is not ignorance but the blinders habit which are breathtaking»-Anonymus Smith



So much ignorance on here it’s breathtaking.

Takes my breath away!

Was going to post, but the conversation has taken a turn toward mean, political dick wagging.


The idea that "more expensive" must indicate the direction of an upgrade is where the true audiophile and the mere spender part ways.