Recommendations on small ESL speakers for tiny room

I currently have Sound Lab M545 ESL speakers. They are incredible, but I have a tiny room: 10 x 10ft. Even though M545 is the smallest of Sound Lab, it is too dynamic and overwhelms my room-even with all the room treatments. I am looking for a smaller ESL that can deliver super clarity and intimacy even at low volume. Any thoughts?




I have listened to ML at audio shows but wasn't impressed. Everyone is raving about Maggies. Are they that good or "good for the price"?

I like the planar-magnetic sound very much. A little softer than ESL's, and perfect for digital. IMO.

My main system is analogue and Quad ESL.

Planar-magnetic was Magnepan's first technology, which they perfected. The DWM's and MMG-W do not use crossovers. That's two big plusses for me.

Now they use ribbon technology for some speakers, but I haven't lived with a modern ribbon design, so have no useful opinion.

I started with Acoustat 2 + 2, then speakers with Heils (AMT), then ribbon Apogee all together for thirty years. i have spent a lot of time with Quads. I changed over to traditional speakers about fifteen years ago.

Facing that your challenge I would consider speakers with Air Motion Transducers. They will get you the midrange and the super high frequency harmonics and loose a lot lof the really difficultes in positioning, excessive high frequency loading the room, and lack of punch. They could be stand mounted or full sized.