I am a 30+ year working pro musician and my sound engineer (best in the nation in my opinion) has been saying for years that Harbeth is the best , most true speaker he’s ever heard. He was at "The Show" in Newport and said he heard a band playing , turned a corner and it was the Harbeth 30.1’s....no band. I have Tekton Encores because I’m a rock guy and want the PA experience like I’m at a live show with powerful bottom.
I auditioned these Harbeth’s years back and found them to be a very "polite" speaker , seemingly more for classical /jazz listener...so I purchased the Tekton massive towers to the disdain of my sound engineer 😆 He calls them my "Star Trek speakers"
Recently I found some 30.1’s at a reasonable price and took the plunge. My first feeling was they will never be able to compete with the bottom, but lets be reasonable and maybe find a different gear. After a couple of weeks I have found the Harbeth 30.1’s to be ultra clear and precise. Obviously they can’t keep up with the Tektons in the low end , but I have to say they are incredibly great in clarity and especially with audiophile tracks like Steely Dan.
HIGHLY recommend and I’m actually thinking about 40.1’s now (lord help me) and I do like the fact that they make their own speakers .. plus they are stunning cabs.