Good post.
There aren't enough people like you to threaten the commercial speaker companies. So hopefully nobody feels threatened. You make the coexistence point well.
The soul of a builder
Been thinking about all the types of people and desires and enthusiasm that goes into our hobby of audiophelia. Though I myself have not always been the most inclusive sort I want to be. I want to call everyone who is into music and gear a fellow, so long as they are kind and having fun and sharing that fun with others.
There’s no right way to be an audiophile, but listening to music and listening to others sure does help.
I like commercial speaker makers. I’m so glad they are here. Same with electronics makers and people who build acoustic materials for a living, and yet, in one particular way I’m a builder, not a buyer. Like, at all. That way happens to be speakers. Others build their own tube preamps or DACs for fun, for me it’s speakers.
To put my position in stark relief, if some one gave me a million dollars to spend on speakers, my first thoughts would be of buying a CNC machine to mill cabinet parts. Never would I think I would go buy speakers. Not because I dislike commercial offerings (well, you know) but because this is my personal joy. Trying things out for myself. Line arrays, stepped baffles, powered systems, bypass capacitors, slot firing mid-woofers... not to sell them, but because this is the center of my hobby. Certainly not the case for my DAC or integrated or HT processor or TV, that’s for sure!
My point to this is, if you are a builder, be a builder and don’t try to ask yourself if you are making a cost-effective product. You probably are, but that’s really not the point. If you need to get dirty, to assemble, solder and think about trading off bass for efficiency, and cut off points for fewer drivers then you are a builder and you must build and prices be damned. Don’t treat it like a way to save money.
Treat it as a way of feeding your soul.
Very early on in my "audio lifes, I got introduced to a couple of very bright local manufactures who went on to produce what I’d consider world class gear (subsequent reviews support that view). Frequent exposure to their systems, philosophies, and views of other equipment rubbed off for sure, and got me off to a pretty good start with fairly high expectations of what things can sound like when done well. Unfortunately, I was just a working stiff, and married with a blossoming family, so there was never much budget to go out and buy expensive audio gear with. It was never a planned journey, but building my own stuff, and/or modifying what I had was appealing and more cost effective than just buying similar level components. Fast forward a couple of decades, and I’ve built a fairly impressive set of speakers (several prior to these), modified my current amps, refurbished my pre-amp, made my own speaker wires, and have modified and refurbished several turntables and other amps. It’s given me a great deal of pleasure, some pride, a lot of information, and much appreciation for what goes into it all. My system sounds wonderful to me, and I enjoy it more now than ever. I have heard better sounding systems, but not many, all costing upwards of 20 times the price of mine, and none have left me feeling that I need to upgrade. I’ve gotten so much more than just listening pleasure from building this system! |
@fuzztone not totally yesterday. Fortunately, we still have a small pocket of dealers in my region of the country, and the few who can charge enough at their layer to make enough to thrive and afford to stay in business. While i build some of my own stuff, also supporting local dealers. To be able to go in to see, hear, maybe buy some smaller items once in a great while is still a lot of fun. Have a 56 year audio dealer near me, total throwback experience. :) ---------------------------------------- @knotscott chorus’ Agon thread finally has some folks chiming in here about diy builds they did or thinking about doing. Getting closer yet not like how the soul really is over on the diy forums. IMO DIY’ers are people who just like building their own results. In my case it was purely out of necessity to afford and get much closer to what I truly wanted, sooner than later in life. Persistence to keep trying helped too.