Transport Question

Now have the new Rotel CD player using as a transport into a Bryston bda-3

The bryston make a big difference.

Time for a good stand alone transport. Looking at the SIm moon 260d.

Would that be a decent upgrade for the rotel?



Slightly off topic but in my opinion people that says a good transport is a wast of money and will not sound better obviously have not heard a difference.

1) They have equipment not capable of producing quality music.

2) They never bothered doing a caparison and simply state their opinion.

3) Don't know how to evaluate and listen to music or are legitimately tone deaf.

I know many individuals with a trained ear and quality equipment that can hear the difference.

Yes, the topic arises a lot. But you have to figure lots of folks roll through here during purchases for a month or two then are replaced by new folks. Then technology moves on constantly changing the value equations.



And certain people have a very strong ego driven compulsion to repeatedly make assertions easily refuted by simply utilizing one's ears. 


























assertions easily refuted by simply utilizing one's ears. 

You mean that one  could make determinations by actually listening?

What a remarkably novel idea.😊 +1 Stuart.
