If you want the utmost clarity from your CDs

This product has been around for a long time. 
Someone mentioned it recently in passing in a post, so I thought I’d give it a try.
For $35, it’s made an amazing difference. 
It’s Herbie’s Super Black Hole CD Mat.
Considering How much I’ve spent changing components in order to achieve better SQ, this cheap little device is ridiculous!  
The difference in clarity is palpable.  
If you haven’t tried it you owe it to yourself.


Ok @rvpiano Im in, just ordered one. Also in another post, and I’m not a sales person, the ultra bit platinum spray works great as another tweek I’ve have great luck with. Thanks for the advice. 

If this produces palpable improvements for no physically known reason, it leads one to wonder what other methods or treatment might lead to even more palpable improvements! I don’t see any need for the treatment to be in the same room, or even on the same planet as the device it’s improving. That’s just closed minded thinking. What all might we be missing out on? What is the true upper limit for sonic bliss? Ooh, there's a new market potential here! Like Software as a Service, this could be Tweaks as a Service - TAAS. Somebody somewhere else will host the tweak for you for an ongoing fee. No need to have a bunch of stuff to keep track of in your local environment. 


if you haven’t tried it YOU are speaking theoretically.

Observation is part of the scientific method.

I wonder if anyone tries a tuning mat of larger diameter like this? I would imagine a smaller diameter mat/pad might work better because of higher centrufugal mass in the center of a CD.