Rogue RP-1 slight hum

Good morning all,

I just bought a new Rogue RP-1 pre-amp. I love it! it was like opening up warm taps on a faucet. 

Small issue I have is that when at idle, no music playing, I get a slight high frequency  hum and hiss. I swapped out the stock JJ tubes, and it helped but just a bit. Also shut off the main display, no change. Swapped out the power cable for a nice one from AQ, no change. I've e-mailed Rogue this morning, to see if I'm missing something. 

Any suggestions would be appreciated. 

Thank you

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xdoyle3433

Maybe the ICs are running alongside a power cable and picking up interference?

Its not the tubes! Lets be clear this is nothing more than having a more sensitive system, and its going to show any anomalies. Make sure power cords and IC's are away from each other. Does the system have a bunch of HT or video stuff involved as well? I find mixing the two can cause lots of problems with noise and hum.


Matt M

Thank you all for the thoughts and suggestions. 

Rogue was awesome! Everything I heard was true about their customer service and follow up. 

Issue is the sensitive nature of the Klipsch. I made sure all IC's are away as much as possible from power. There's no router in my room, or on the same floor as my listening room, no video either. 

I am impressed with the sound I've achieved with my system right now, I believe I have the right combo of pre and power to meet all my needs. However I do believe some light is shining on my speakers and their shortcomings.