Linlai E 6sn7 tubes

I just placed an order for a pair of these for my Aric Audio Motherlode II.  I’ve been chatting with a fellow that runs the E 6sn7 in his Don Sachs pre. He loves them, He says they make his NOS tubes sound thin and lifeless.  
    It will be a couple weeks until I receive them,and I was curious if anyone out in Agon land has tried these,and what are your impressions?   
Thanks in advance,



@decooney, I remember reading about the Grant/Psvane thing a while back. That being in the back of my mind,held me back from ordering a pair of the blue globe 6sn7’s.

Yep. I truly wondered if the matter had something to do with other financial or buying power factors vs. quality issues. As we’ve seen, vendors, resellers, drop manufacturers for reasons many of us will never know about. I’ve learned to make my own evals, particularly if there is a mid-level seller involved in that chain.

These folks get super competitive too. While I read unvalidated feedback from anonymous folks stating "it only lasted a year", I’ve found the opposite with my older TJ Full Music 6SN7s and new PSVANE small tubes 12AU7, 12AT7s still going strong. All my good 60s Mullard Blackburn plant nos/vintage stuff is stored away in boxes now. Re-visting PSVANEs in other tube types is next for me. Its what AN is using too, in their own private batches. You keep up the good work with Linlai too! Nice.

Ask: keeping each other updated and informed here, I’ll trust this more.



I agree with you @decooney. There could be numerous reasons for that partnership to dissolve.  The quality thing has stuck in my mind. Rightfully so? I can’t say.  But I know there are Psvane dealers that do offer 12 month warranty on their tubes.  I guess that wasn’t enough to sway me. Yet….


@immatthewj, I’ve dealt with some reputable tube sellers on EBay.  There are some(what I feel) are great deals on NOS measuring tubes for very reasonable prices. 

better stock up guys, Taiwan looks like pretty easy pickings for someone at the moment…

Too bad the Linlai 6sn7 is so huge. I’d like to try it but my amp takes two pairs and they’d be too close together for proper ventilation. Perhaps Linlai will make a more sensibly-sized version someday and dramatically expand their market. Hint, hint if you’re listening, Linlai.

My 1948 Raytheon 6SN7 tubes are about the same price now at Linai per AiiExpress.   I chose them over Ken-Rad (very close) and RCA from the 40's to 50's era of 6SN7 as they had the best package of dynamics, warmth, extension, etc.   I'm using them as cathode followers in mono-block amps.   It's amazing how much difference there is in cathode follower use (the Sovtek which rebranded U.K. and Counterpoint were awful, the Sylvania Chrome domes were really open and fast but totally too bright from my amps).   I wonder if the Linai's will last 5,000 or 10,000 hours?   Has anyone used or compared Sophia Electrict 6SN7s?   They are even more expensive.