Toilet Paper to Vacuum Tubes

Two years ago - March 2020 we were hoarding toilet paper. Fast forward to March 2022 - we are hoarding vacuum tubes. Oh, how times change.


Both useful items, but hardly interchangeable.

Actually, if one is desperate enough, they can take the leftover cardboard toilet paper holder and put it in place of a (now dead) tube and imagine how it would sound. You could even put a candle inside and enjoy the glow. 😀

All the best,

Never got the directive to hoard toilet paper.

Guess that's the price I pay for not following conspiracy theorists.

If people had not hoarded it, there wouldn't have been a shortage-- perfect example of  a self-fullfilling prophecy. 

I must admit that the tube shortage caught me flat footed.I had to scramble to get what I thought I might need. I needed backups anyway. But in my time of looking for tubes, I watched one big tube seller on Ebay (also a website) who is in new England start the gouge early on. IE, TungSol 6550's went from $189 a quad to $329 the last I looked.I will not buy from that dealer in the future. As far as I am concerned, their ethics are in the toilet

In The Toilet Where it belongs If you get My Drift

@nonoise - I thought I was the only one who did that!! 🤣. Tube or not tube, that is the question....

It's  amazing how many people hoarded toilet paper. Some people would hoard up to 5 years worth. When the supply came back to normal, many hoarders tried to return the toilet paper for a refund. Most were told if you hoarded 5 years of toilet paper,  you now PERMANENTLY own 5 years of toilet paper!