Even in a living room if you know the importance of acoustic versus costly upgrade, at least you can improve in some degree your listening experience at low cost if you think and read about acoustic instead of reading marketing reviewer of gear......
That is my point...
I dont say to people that dont own a dedicated room that they are wrong, i just say look at what you can do acoustically even in a living room at low cost BEFORE upgrading...
All audio threads speak about upgrade... I speak about something more essential : acoustic...
I must be right if a reviewer with a way more costlier system than mine enjoy only an " in between speaker sound" not even knowing that it is not optimal acoustic at all... 😁😊
Alleging only fuzzy distortions and "out of phase" effect and attributing that IN A BET to my room CANNOT EXPLAIN timbre and imaging and other acoustical cues perceived coherently TOGETHER in my room...This is just plain acoustic ignorance invoking simplistic explanation about something they are unable to figure out to begin with confirming my point about general underestimation of acoustic in magazine......But they sell NEW gear not acoustic knowledge right?
If they will focus on acoustic, who will pay their publicity?
This fact will not change the scientific fact that acoustic and psycho-acoustic ONLY can describe our sound/music experience and perception not a new complex design of gear by itself alone EVER nevermind his cost....
Only fetichist think otherwise...
I guess my feeling is that for many of the people with pictures here on AG it MAY be that they don’t work on the room that much. But OTH for those who have their systems in a family area there often is a WAF (wife acceptance factor) issue or also just not enough room to move speakers where one would want. Guys with dedicated rooms need the actual bigger area and money for all that correct acoustics might entail.