Speakers for low power tube amplifier

I´m loocking for speakers for my Silvaweld tube monoblocks (22W with 300B in push pull configuration).
Up to the moment I used two bookshelf monitors with great results (Reference 3a De Capo i and Merlin TSM-MXr) but I want to move to floorstanding speakers. They must be easy (8 ohms) to drive with more than 90db sens.
Some contenders are:
Verity Audio Finn
Reference 3a Episode or the discontinued L´Integrale Noveau
Living Voice IBX-R2
Lawrence Violin (they are not floorstand but has excellent bass response)
I will apreciate your opinion and recomendations.
You should consider Audiokinesis speakers. They are easy speakers to drive and offer great value for the money. I have used 12watt SET amps, 30 watt OTL amps, 35 watt push pull amps, and 225 watt solid state amps with my Jazz Modules and all sounded great. So 22 watt push pull should be no problem.
The legacy focus and se are good choices as is their new classic hd models. Great prices for stunning sound. You have to spend a lot more to get all this in one package. Great bass wonderful mids and top end. They were in very fine form at the CA audio show. They are deserving of an evaluation. Jallen
Clearwave Symphonia 72R's are probably sensitive enough for that amplifier. I am a dealer.
Coincident,Rethm,Ocellia,Tonian Labs, Tannoy,Vaughn,Sonist,Zu etc. You have many good choices available.Low power tubes with high efficiency speakers is a good pathway to natural and realistic sound.You`re starting with a very good amplifier to build a system around..
Up to the moment I used two bookshelf monitors with great results (Reference 3a De Capo i and Merlin TSM-MXr)

I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on these two speakers in your set-up.

Don't know your budget, but Daedalus Audio speakers are incredible with small power tube amps.