Mogami - Quad 12 ga. in the house!

Found an excellent (i.e.. inexpensive) source for Mogami's 3104 speaker cable.  It's arranged as a quad 12 gauge cable, so you could bi-wire or combine to make a 9 gauge cable.

Less than $7 /foot from Markertek.  More expensive from Parts Express.

More when the pants show up.


Hey @DeKay,

Cable "pants" are specialized heat shrink, which make the transition from the outer cable jacket to the individual + and - conductors more tidy. Sometimes instead of heat shrink they are are little barrels with 1 in and 2 or 4 out. They can look pretty fancy but are also pretty heavy.

The kind I ordered fit OK on the jacket, but the legs were too small for the dual 12 gauge conductors that needed to fit each.

PS - Parts Express has the 2 conductor Mogami 3103 per foot.



Dekay...the stripping of mogami is tough because the smaller/finer conductors.cutting/slice length/horizontal spares them some what....yeah i looked at 4s11g.Even called canare us supplier (Sell 500’) of it..The only one that would sell cut length is in europe/ebay $$.Worked out to be $73.00?...3 m pair.If this your cable than still pretty cheap.

Eric the shrinkwrap looks better than those pvc

@digsmithd I think it depends on how you accessorize, but my cables are going to be like cartoon pigs.  No pants!

Oh the visual 🐷...each to there own to have me sum panths! ✌