I have shipped over 5000 items using UPS, FedX, and USPS. Lots of heavy items. According to UPS if it gets damaged it was not packed correctly. The damage has to be noticed, when the package arrives and noted to the driver, or in most cases you are out of luck. The insurance covers you if the item is lost and it does happen. If you do not insure the package and it gets damaged they will only pay $100 max. The driver do not know a package has insurance. I purchased an Audio Research pre amp which was insured for $10,000. It was delivered to the wrong address. I got a call from the person, that shipped the package. He got a call about the package from the person, that received the package. I called UPS, after 3 people and 30 minutes on the phone I told them the package was insured for $10,000 and they sent a truck to pick up the package within an hour. If the package had not been insured no telling the outcome. I have found it good to hand write the address on the box with a phone number.
Using the hard Styrofoam is not a good packing material. It does not allow for shock. Most good audio equipment is packaged in soft foam. I hate peanuts but putting 3 inches of peanuts around the factory box is what UPS says is the correct way to ship glass, value pottery, and sensitive electronics. I use the 3 inch foam from the fabric store around the factory box. Yes, the added cost and the added size to the box cost more to ship but much cheaper than the equipment getting damaged.
Never let the UPS Store box your stuff. If they do, watch and make sure you are happy with the packing. If they package the item it is covered no matter what.
When I owned audio stores, we could not send back any McIntosh equipment to the factory, without the factory box. We also double boxed it then.
Keep in mind that all business have been short handed and hiring new people. So, if you were worried before, it is worst now.