God doesn't need to know what time it is.

Value of anything is a most fascinating subject to me.

Eric Clapton hasn't owned this  Rolex Daytona for nearly 20 years. It 's probably been in storage since he dumped it and is expected to fetch north of $1.6M?

For that much I'd want his playing ability AND his stereo system.




Perhaps you are right about Clapton disgusting alleged words... I never read them...i reacted to your phrasing ideological use of word...

But i dont like "culturally appropriated" concept... At all...

@mahgister I agree that leveling a charge such as cultural appropriation is not to be taken lightly, or tossed around willy-nilly.  For instance, is Eminem culturally-appropriative, or just exceptionally good at what he does?  I think these are good, interesting debates to have.  
However, such a charge may have merit in Clapton’s case when his music’s progenitors received little to no recognition, in either a relative sense or a general sense, and then here comes another young British dude doing that stuff and enjoying the era’s fetishization with young white dudes playing “blues,” and thusly receiving commercial success some 100x that of the originators. 
At least in Eminem’s care, there were a dozen-or-so originators who had enjoyed a lot of commercial success for a good 15 years preceding him, whereas, again, most of the originators of the blues barely made a living and still had to hold regular jobs.

I think these are important things to look at.  History is always written by the winners, and it’s always easy to cry “foul” in the face of criticism when you are the exploiter, while the other side remains the exploited.


Your ideological revising of history is not to my liking sorry... I will not discuss that here and why...

i will not go and take out street names and statues in a systematic ideological war...

And i am too old to admire male chemically modified swimmer in a feminine pool...

And i dont like globalist and transhumanist agenda either...

Anything else?

I am not vaxx....

I dont like Biden ,Trudeau nor Trump...Nor Macron Nor Xi and neither Putin...

i Like Kennedy, De Gaulle, Eisenhower and perhaps half of Churchill....

The general i like the most is General Wrangel for his human conduct in the saving evacuation of the lost white armies against the red...

My most admired personal historical hero is Richard Burton...Not the Actor... And not a "woke" consciousness by all means but an awaken one if you dare to read his life and achievement..... Think about Freud and Levy-Strauss , superman and Indiana Jones or Lawrence of Arabia , and Shakespeare in one single individuality and it is him...He spoke 45 languages among other things and was one of the greatest swordsman of his time......And discovering the Nile source at this time in history was like going in Antartica or walking on the moon...He spoke arab so perfectly than no arab ever detected that he was an englishman the first one walking in the forbidden Timbuctu or the Mecca without being killed...Think about this feat...


i apologize for my rant....





Lawrence of Arabia was into Brough motorcycles- he died on one.

Don't look up the cost of one of the original 100 (mph) models- you could buy a lot of stuff for one of those bikes. 

I find it ironic? that people who are into a niche hobby- at least at the high end of audio-- don't at least "get" the fact that there are other pursuits involving "gear" that seems absurdly priced (and in some cases, it is). If you told the average non-enthusiast what some of the systems here cost, there would be a revolution. :)

Have fun, keep the shiny side up as they say in motorsports. 


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