Power Cables and Wall Sockets

Without knowing for certain, it seems to me that power cables can only be as good as the in-home wiring coming to the wall socket. Is it possible that those who use expensive cables have improved the wiring to the socket? Or is the power from most wall sockets normally excellent, but is limited by conventional power cables?

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@carlsbad that is helpful. So more than likely, the power is mostly impeded by the last leg of inferior IEC cable. It seems almost fantastical that a $5000 power cable would make a significant difference when plugged into a standard outlet. I tend to imagine it being the final ultimate tweak on the highest end systems, but I could be wrong.

I'm curious to experience the difference myself, though honestly I'll consider lesser priced options that the AudioQuest Dragon! Since I wouldn't upgrade all my current IEC's at once, do you have any recommendations for prioritization between a Pre-amp, Power-amp or Sub?

@imaninatural   I know how important it is not to appear to bash expensive equipment, but I do not recommend expensive power cables.  I recommend heavy gauge power cables.  I use 10 awg for all my amplifiers.  I've never spent over $100 on a power cable.  YMMV.

The "wiring in the wall" argument has been debated ad nauseam. What is clear for the person undecided about that argument is that there is a process to decide for oneself. 

(a) Buy a good power cable with a return policy (buy used from The Music Room, e.g.)

(b) Try it out.

(c) Keep or return.

It's really that simple. 

@hilde45 I should have dug into the archives to answer the "wiring in the wall" question. But I appreciate the response and am looking forward to upgrading the cables to my amps to begin and see what kind of improvement that I hear. 

One thing that I am curious about is if upgraded power cables will eliminate the issue of my lights dimming when listening at reasonable high volume.