I am in the same situation than you... And i am truthful...
But with a bit of advance compared to many people OVER upgrading gear alternatives possiblities compared to acoustic ...
It is called acoustic method... So powerful that even if an upgrade of gear is possible and it is always possible, in my case i even know what piece of gear to buy but i dont give a damn , guess why?
Acoustic cues are mutiples, and together they constitute an INTEGRAL SET so intricate acoustically that almost no SINGLE piece of gear would have been enough to improve my system on ALL counts WITHOUT acoustic method...
In my case upgrading all my system will cost me at least 10,000 bucks, perhaps 15,ooo i cannot be sure here... My actual system cost me 500 bucks.. 😊 I listen music now , sound is no more a frustration, and it is enough NOW because i have it... Thanks to Helhmoltz not to the "upgrade" of one piece of gear...When a system is relatively good at some point in our journey, we must look for acoustic, not for an "upgrade" of a single piece of gear alone...It will be deceptive to do so most of the times......
I call what i have achieve with acoustic method and a low cost system : a minimal acoustic threshold of satisfaction...It exist objectively but vary a bit from one individual and system to another one...
But when a piano fill the room with his bass note in 3D it is enough to enjoy music without frustration and without lying to ourself, even if there exist for sure better possible acoustic state or experience...
Ratio S.Q. /price is a tag also in our journey, willing it or not....It is here that acoustic method can optimize ANY system to his true potential...Most of the times it is enough...it was for me...
Nothing is more fun than tuning your room save listening music at higher quality level each week during this long process... 😁😊
I suspect a lot of people who answered no aren’t being truthful and have the constant desire to wish to upgrade. I am currently in a good place, but I know that to improve my current set up I would need to ascend to a whole new price area that I am just not willing to enter