Generally information in audio forum is about "sound" more than about the best interpretion of Barber Quartet adagio , which is by Bernstein by the way among all other versions ...Try it....
You cannot listen music without listening to sound at some point for some time , ask a maestro, or a musician and you cannot assess what a good sound is without knowing how a natural sounding instrument timbre or voice can sound...This is acoustic matter....And musical knowledge can help....
When the relation between your sound speakers/room is tuned, and the right pieces of gear well chosen for this acoustic process , we all listen music in ectasy forgetful but thankful to our acoustic well working installation...
Before that , we are obsessed, frustrated, and embark in an upgrade chasing of the tails...Because it is more easy to give money than study acoustic...
And because we dont know what is "timbre" or listener envelopment/sound source ratio, or imaging soundscape , or Schoeder time we speak about bass and highs or mid range appropriated for this musical style or this other favorite styles not knowing that a good acoustic , and well designed pieces of gear must be GOOD when they are acoustically optimized for all musical genres anyway heavy metal included...
Then "listening music" or "listening sounds" does not means the same for all people at different point in time in their audio acoustic journey....
I listen music now after i got married with "sound"... One is the bride, the sound, i spend all day with her; the other is my mistress, the music, and my nights are for her ...They are my twins... 😁😊 The taste of bread is better cooked by my bride but making love more exciting with his sister...It is impossible to choose between one of them and they know it, the little rascals i love so much....