Old Vandersteen model 2 vs. newer model 2

Hi I'm thinking about getting some older model 2's with serial numbers in the 321000 range.  I know they made some tweaks in the later models.  I have no way to compare them.  How different do the newer models sound?  Thanks!


Thanks for the input!  It would be impossible to put them that far out.  However, if I achieve an upgrade with sub-optimal placement, then it would still be a win.  In other words, I don't need best, just better to keep them.  The NHT's are designed to work up against the wall, so they will have that advantage.

IME, the Vandy 2's are particularly critical of placement, more so than most other speakers. On the other hand, they are very accommodating with regard to amplification.

+1 @holmz 

If you can spring for the differences in cost, consider showing your decor-savvy spouse some good images of the Treo CT's.  In addition to better tolerating near-wall placements, their long but narrow profile seems to work better in many rooms than the wider 2's.

It would be impossible to put them that far out. 

I feel your pain...that's why I have a no wife in the music room rule. 

The VLR's are meant to be placed near corners, and whether in a bookshelf or on stands, they can match the 2's, esp with a Vandy sub (or 2).

I have mine mounted near the ceiling at the corners of the room-Unusual for many, but the only way I can have music in my office. Even without the Hsu subs, they put out a respectable amount of bass. 

Treo's are in the big room, and to be honest, I listen in the office more than downstairs.
