Old Vandersteen model 2 vs. newer model 2

Hi I'm thinking about getting some older model 2's with serial numbers in the 321000 range.  I know they made some tweaks in the later models.  I have no way to compare them.  How different do the newer models sound?  Thanks!


+1 @holmz 

If you can spring for the differences in cost, consider showing your decor-savvy spouse some good images of the Treo CT's.  In addition to better tolerating near-wall placements, their long but narrow profile seems to work better in many rooms than the wider 2's.

It would be impossible to put them that far out. 

I feel your pain...that's why I have a no wife in the music room rule. 

The VLR's are meant to be placed near corners, and whether in a bookshelf or on stands, they can match the 2's, esp with a Vandy sub (or 2).

I have mine mounted near the ceiling at the corners of the room-Unusual for many, but the only way I can have music in my office. Even without the Hsu subs, they put out a respectable amount of bass. 

Treo's are in the big room, and to be honest, I listen in the office more than downstairs.


May I also ask if you model 2 owners experience the magical imaging only in the listening sweetspot, or is it, perhaps to a lesser degree, also throughout the room?  This is an important question, because I do not have a listening room, but an open concept house with a large living area, and my listening sweet spot is in front of a fireplace where there can be no furniture.  Also, this room is asymmetrical in that one side of the room functions as a hall, so that one speaker is placed in a corner and the other 4 feet from a wall which is not a corner.

My business has been hit hard by COVID, so I can't afford the difference to more expensive Treos.  

I too have a system in my office where I have a pair of Alons that are well placed and I listen there quite a bit and love it.

I've never been a 'sweet spot' lover. I want a speaker that provides good depth and imaging over a wide field. All the Vandy's I've owned have provided the aforementioned traits (also owned the 3a sigs).

Having an unbalance listening room will require a bit of adjusting in placement as well as angling in/out, but it is doable. Adding some Vandy subs would be one of the first things I would do, when finances improve.