Keep Vintage or sell for new

Currently have a Threshold FET 10_HL preamp which I love but wondering if there is something better out there

Have been considering:

PS Audio BHK preamp or Pass Labs XP12

Should I just sit tight with my Threshold or move to one of the two I mentioned?

For me the replacements I'm considering represent a good chunk of change and sorta hoping any responses will tell me to stick with what I have.

Thanks to anyone who takes the time to weigh in.







Your Threshold remains a great preamp with qualities that some new designs cannot dream of.  I remember the rave review at Stereophile by GH.

But reality tells that this is a 30 year old design, a long time for a preamp no matter how state of the art in its days.

Best is to compare it with your mentioned options side by side or take the leap of faith. Most likely it would prove a wise choice. 

Thanks unsound and Bourne

Appreciate you taking the time

I think it's a great mind wanders to what else might be out there...the Pass Labs and PSAUDIO are a chunk of change for me so your responses are quite helpful.

Stick with the FET 10. Just because something is new doesn't guarantee that you will like it better. A good case in point is the 65 year old Quad 57. Many Audiophiles and speaker manufactures still consider it the Holy Grail in speakers!




"revered by critics the world over as one of the most natural sounding speakers ever built, may well be the most beloved speaker of all time."

Wow once more