@cleeds, of course I have a rumble filter, a very steep digital rumble filter with a cut off frequency of 18 Hz. The rumble is coming from the record. My subwoofer amps will go clear down to DC and although the subwoofers can't project much under 10 Hz they will gladly bounce of their bump stops at low frequencies making a rather disturbing noise.
All in all judging by your comments you do not have a lot of experience with vinyl and high performance systems or you would know these things. You could argue that because of all the low frequency rubbish on records the environmental noise does not mean much, a very valid point. What you do not seem to know is that using a properly isolated table designed the way the Sota is a joy. You can handle it without having to be do so gingerly. I can put my hand down on it without inducing skipping. I can bump into the cabinet, no problem. I can accidently drop the dust cover. Children can run around and play in the room, jump up and down and even bounce of the cabinet without any effect what so ever. I can play the system at patently ridiculous volumes without any problem (once I solved the feedback issue).