The program does not taste the beverage it just writes a review.
Isn’t that about what the measurebators on ASR do now? A machine listens for them and then they align their likes and dislikes according to a set or measurements which they believe is correct. Kinda misses the whole point of music reproduction. But it makes them feel superior. I’m sure the inventors of said AI are patting themselves on the back for creating their new marvel of uselessness
In the past 25 or so years, I have come to believe that mankind is not really advancing at all. We spent 100’s or 1000’s of years longing to be able to actually speak to someone over long distances. Then in the early 20th century, we got just such a thing. Most were happy for 80-90 maybe even 100 yrs. Then we reverted back to the caveman practice of scrawling messages on a cave wall, only our cave is a small phone with a keyboard too dam** small for a grown ups fingers. Yet millions today now have carpel tunnel and other hand and wrist injuries because we no longer use the more modern talk mode which is the actual main purpose of the phone. Oh, but we brag on how far we have come. Really? We even have a judge in very high places who doesn’t even know what a woman is. And on and on it goes. The woman has an advanced degree and does not know what a woman is? If this is advancement, I hope I am never part of it. End of rant