I’ve sold quite a bit of my audio gear over the last couple of years - speakers, DACs, turntables etc.
I always try to sell locally first (canuckaudiomart) saying local pick up preferred.
I'll usually get a range of offers, many who want shipped, but usually there is a local person or 3 who can pick up so I sift those out of the offers.
I’ve had a fair amount of success with local pick up. Sometimes I have to ship but since that’s usually within Canada I’m not dealing with border hassles.
One thing for sure: I’m very happy with my decision to have always kept all my boxes. Fortunately we have a crawlspace with room for my empty boxes (and there are a LOT of them!). Sales are always harder, and you usually have to knock the price lower, if you don’t have original boxes. I’ve sold items in a day near the price of others that had been listed on the same site for months - the other guy didn’t have original boxes; I did.