Could anyone shed light on the sonic differences between the standard issue Shuguang 101D and the New Old Stock Western Electric 101D?
Preamp help please!
Recently I have been using the Supratek Sauvignon in conjunction with a First Watt SIT-3 and Klipsch Cornwall lV speakers. I really liked the combination. The other day I repositioned the preamp on my rack and the Supratek stopped functioning. I was planning on having the unit overhauled for a noisy left channel and capacitor upgrades anyway so this has hastened that eventuality. The gentleman doing the servicing usually takes his time and I expect this process to take 3-4 months, so in the meantime I installed My Coincident Statement MK1. The Statement linestage has a pair of original equipment Shuguang 101D’s. I was disappointed in the lack of body/tone/texture to the sound compared to the Supratek 6sn7.
Would a pair of WE NOS 101D’s help this preamp have more body/tone/texture? Or should I find another 6sn7 preamp? Suggestions?