My endgame system I think

Good day everyone. I wanted to share what I believe is my endgame 2 channel system and say thank you to all of the members here for all of the advice I’ve gotten and read. It’s a simple system but the forum has  guided me tremendously with my decisions. A special thank you goes out to Duke of audiokinesis  (who I met at Axpona was very gracious with a few questions I had) for recommending Jeff at HDacoustics to design my room that I built while the speakers were being built. I hope to have many years enjoying my new system. Thanks again everyone ! 



@ronboco I am at a similar spot right now. I decided to go with the Atria II and keep my JL Fathoms. The Boulder is great but an external dac will make a difference. I ended up with classe delta pre and Stereo paired with the MSB Discrete with the rederer card. So no need for a network streamer but the module is $2k. 

Just glad to see more rockports here. 


The Atria is a great speaker. That’s what they had at Axpona. Sounded amazing. I’m going to stick with the DAC in the Boulder at least for now as it reviewed very well and I spoke to the owner of Boulder ( I’ve embarrassingly forgotten his name) at Axpona and he said it’s the same DAC that is in their stand alone unit which made me feel even better. Happy listening !

I see rock wool in the walls but you don’t specify brand? And the panels you are using to cover them are? I used burlap: cheap ($4.00 per yard) and aesthetically pleasing (to me, at any rate). 


The Rockwool is it’s own brand I got at lowes. I used the safe and sound version. The 2 inch rigid fiberglass panels are from ATS acoustics. The fabric covering all walls and ceiling is from Rosebrand 

@ronboco The EtherREGEN is in the audio path for any music you Stream (eg. Qobuz, TIDAL, Spotify) or any music you may have locally ripped that resides on a computer or hard drive that's on your home Ethernet network.  The EtherREGEN isn't in the audio path for any CDs you play.

I can't believe your dealer didn't let you know the 866 has a great builkt-in Streamer.  Below is a Q&A re: Streaming from the Boulder website.  The mConnect app isn't the greatest but the 866 is also Roon ready as you can see here, 


“Can I stream Tidal or Quobuz directly to the 866?” Currently there is no way to directly stream to the 866. But you can use a 3rd party app like mConnect, JRiver to stream. We also recommend using Roon for streaming, as the 866 is a Roon endpoint and will stream both Tidal and Quobuz and music stored on your home network.