Those that upgraded from Tekton

What did you move on to?


I think it’s time I move on from my DIs, I really like how they sound but they are just too big and opposing for my room. Would be interested in something front ported as I have a room that is wide but not deep (speakers are 8 ft away from listening position and only 1 ft from back wall).

Was thinking Cornwall IV maybe or something from Salk but those might not be an upgrade from the DI.

Up to $5k budget and prefer used. Powered by Line Magnetic LM805i

And please don’t come here just to talk crap about Tekton……….


This form would be so much more enjoyable for me if everyone provided links. If you’d really like to help out a company by recommending them, you could do them a real solid by exerting that little bit extra. It’s much easier for a person that is already familiar with a product. By the time I get to the second, third or fourth recommendation, I’ve had to wade through so much to get to the meat and potatoes, I get distracted by something else and never get back to the list. 

I have Tekton Lores. The DIs are supposed to be much better I understand but still thought I would offer that I recently returned to my Theil 1.5s that I replaced with the Lores 6 years ago. For me one is not better than the other just different. The Lores, in my large room with a vaulted ceiling, sound like I'm listening to live music in a small club, which I love at times. The Theils sound like I might be in a quiet acoustically perfect  recording studio. Tekton is lively and in your face with big soundstage and Theil are more refined, lower soundstage but far better midrange, so smooth and pleasing on the ears. For me midrange sweetness is most important.  Maybe my ears are extra sensitive but I was recently at a Joe Bonamossa show sitting near the mixing board and I suggested to the guy controlling the board that there is too much midrange. He nodded and shrugged his shoulders as if he agreed but couldn't do anything more about it. It didn't take away from the show, Joe can play like nobody's business!

“anything's better than the tekton's they're just mid five speakers they're high end nothing.”


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MidFi Yup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

A lot of good it did the OP to ask the Tekton bashers to hold their tongues. They are just like window lickers, they can’t help themselves.

To stay on topic, I think you are going down the right path to consider the CW IV. That is if you can sit far enough away. And they sound good tucked into corners or out into the room a little.



I thought the Tekton Moab was remarkable for the money but ended up returning my pair. 
 If you can stretch your budget just a.bit I’ve got a pair of Tune Audio Marvels for sale here that are absolutely fantastic and are designed to work well near the wall.


tje Marvel is tall but narrow, beautifully veneered, and aesthetically lovely. They don’t pay to be reviewed and so they are a hidden gem! 😎.