Tube or Amp Problem? Please help.

I have a Melody El34 Integrated Amp that I use with 2 pairs of Shuguang Treasure 6CA7-z. Last week I was listening to music when everything went all horrible sounding and one of the tubes lit up like blue fireworks. I turned off the amp and looked at it the next day. To my, admittedly untrained eye, the tube looks fine but when I checked the bias it was at .32 (the amp says to set to .40) so I tried to set it to .40 but it would only go to .34. All of the other tubes I can set to .40. I have never had this issue with this amp. Is it the tube or did something happen to the amp? If it's just the tube will it be ok to have one set to .34 and the other .4 or should I set both tubes to .34, all 4? I would buy a new pair but they were expensive and on top of that don't seem to be offered anymore.


Ref: Upscale has Gold Lions for $92.95 each and Electro Harmonix for $45.95 each, no charge for matched quads.

Do you have a spare EL34? You really need to see if a tube will bias in that slot. It's possible you'll need a new resistor. Better to find out before buying a new quad and not being able to play them.

lowrider57, I am not home now but I will check. If I do I will definitely try it out. Hope I do but unfortunately I don't think so.

russ69, thanks for all of your helpful comments.

I agree.   Try a different tube.  Tubes that do that have an internal short or something that made it have a fireworks display.  

hopefully a new tube on that position will bias fine and sound will return as normal. 

Good advice above. If peak performance is what you are after then replace both sides. I would recommend ordering two complete sets. I always have a spare set.  While not tremendously unreliable… tubes wear out and occasionally fail. With a thousand hours on them, I would (me) swap them all out. Tubes are getting more expensive… as a hedge, having an extra set doesn’t hurt.