Can a DAC sort out a flat\cold amp?

My pc is connected to an external sound card (scarlett 2i4 by focusrite). I bought the Yamaha a-s1200 & am really disappointed at the brightness & the lack of bass to the extend I prefer listening to my portable JBL boombox. I'm in no position to sell or trade this amplifier so I thought a DAC with eq may help the predicament. Since auditioning my equipment is not an option in my country I have no choice but to buy something purely on recommendations. I also thought about replacing the speakers but since I listen to soundcloud & youtube i really think upscaling & eq will be much more cost effective option in sorting out this issue & may give me the confidence to try a much more expensive speaker option. what would you recommend?


Like @jasonbourne52 , I doubt it is the amp. I have heard this amp and it didn't sound bad to me. Aamof Bill Watkins used that amp to demo the Gen 4 speakers which go down to 41 hz. There was no doubt that they hit the 41hz.. I suspect something else or an incompatibility issue 

there's something wrong, but truly should not be that amp unless it is defective.

to isolate the amp: skip the pc, make a simple direct path: a cd player directly to the yamaha to your speakers. a few familiar cds. 

great? lousy? then the amp is defective, who sold it to you?

I doubt it is the amp. I would recommend a separate streamer… Bluesound sell budget streamers that are very well regarded and sounds like it would be in your budget.


I have never had luck treating symptoms (equalizer). I recommend going for the source of the problem. You can clean up multiple problems at once. PCs are very noisy and transmit that through the signal chain. A purpose built streamer avoids all of this. I tried all kinds of PC, Mac, laptop solutions and didn’t really get anywhere until I bought a streamer.