Can a DAC sort out a flat\cold amp?

My pc is connected to an external sound card (scarlett 2i4 by focusrite). I bought the Yamaha a-s1200 & am really disappointed at the brightness & the lack of bass to the extend I prefer listening to my portable JBL boombox. I'm in no position to sell or trade this amplifier so I thought a DAC with eq may help the predicament. Since auditioning my equipment is not an option in my country I have no choice but to buy something purely on recommendations. I also thought about replacing the speakers but since I listen to soundcloud & youtube i really think upscaling & eq will be much more cost effective option in sorting out this issue & may give me the confidence to try a much more expensive speaker option. what would you recommend?


there's something wrong, but truly should not be that amp unless it is defective.

to isolate the amp: skip the pc, make a simple direct path: a cd player directly to the yamaha to your speakers. a few familiar cds. 

great? lousy? then the amp is defective, who sold it to you?

I doubt it is the amp. I would recommend a separate streamer… Bluesound sell budget streamers that are very well regarded and sounds like it would be in your budget.


I have never had luck treating symptoms (equalizer). I recommend going for the source of the problem. You can clean up multiple problems at once. PCs are very noisy and transmit that through the signal chain. A purpose built streamer avoids all of this. I tried all kinds of PC, Mac, laptop solutions and didn’t really get anywhere until I bought a streamer.

Get rid of the Scarlett and get a proper USB DAC like a RME ADI2.

Someone asked you to name your speakers and you didn’t tell. Is this a secret?

Without more info like speakers and pics of your room it is all guesswork and a waste of everyone’s time.

If the boombox sounds better, there are much greater problems here than the Yamaha.  The Yamaha is showing you the problems elsewhere.

Not to insult the OP @orenm145, but are you 100% sure that both speakers are the same phase? It sounds like your woofers are out of phase. What you describe is not an amp unless it is broken.

I would swap the wires from + / - on one set of speakers to be absolutely certain.