Beware poor sounding media

One of the hardest things to accept as an audiophile is an inferior sounding CD, stream, record etc. It’s too easy to personalize it as a flaw in the system.
ideally, we should accept each track on it’s own sonic merits, good or bad, and enjoy the music thereon. But, too often, it can destroy the enjoyment of a listening session and blanket the experience.

Anyone else experience this?


Wind up the old victrola. It’s always easy to tell a poor recording/playback. Most are times listening is very good to great experience. 

Back in the day my cassettes bested eight track. That’s all it took. Now I’m scheming to put up an out building purpose built for listening. Point is that it’s not just the recordings but rather the whole kielbasa. Please pass the mustard.  


Poor sounding records are plentiful. That's why I appreciate the options to semi control some of their inadequacies. More specifically tone down the bright ones and liven up the dull ones. On digital I do it with the DAC OS filters and NOS settings, on analogue it's done with the phono preamp ohms settings. And I do it all from the listening seat with remote controls. No equalizer since I don't want to change the original intent, just looking for subtle overall fine tuning to my ears. 

Here’s a shocker. Get ready…..most records are just average. Some are better than average and some way better. Other below average. Goes for recordings in general as well. Lord help us!

The poor production albums are a disappointment, but the good ones and the superior ones certainly make up for it.  Fortunately, I have far more range from good to superior, than not.  It's truly a shame that mass produced albums typically began with a quality recording but the mass production process often times fell to poor quality of pressings (and all of the steps involved).  Greed took priority over quality.  I plan on adding a second tonearm to my turntable (fortunately, it is capable) and will play those inferior ones on a lesser quality cartridge.  The main purpose being not to add hours on a very expensive cartridge.  The music still prevails for me to want to listen to it, even if the album SQ is less than stellar.  But wow, those great ones sure are a pleasure.  The more my system has improved the greater the enjoyment of excellent analog playback.