Mad Scientist Graphene Contact Enhancer

It’s going to take me a few days to get a handle on it. I had new flooring installed and had to shut the entire system down for a couple days. My first impression yesterday came from listening to George Michael’s FAITH, which is a disc I almost gave away a while back, but decided to keep as one of my ‘torture’ discs= sounds crappy in my system.
A couple weeks ago I upgraded my coax cable and one power cord, both of which I placed on my Audiolab CDT6000 (but did not play Faith). I treated the coax and the XLRs from my Voyager to the Audio Alchemy DDP-1 preamp with the Hi Fidelity graphene sample. After a week or so I decided to move the now broken in PC to my Voyager, which sounds better and better with each upgrade/tweak, including moving the new PC to the Voyager.
So, before turning the system back on yesterday, I prepared to apply the Mad Scientist graphene, while reading the accompanying paperwork, it sounds like the exact same thing as the sample I got from Hi Fidelity, but at < 1/3 the price!
The Mad Scientist Contact Enhancer was applied to the speaker cables and all the associated wiring to my Open Baffle Emerald Physics 3.4 speakers (outboard XOs) and binding posts at the the base of the speakers and also to where the jumpers between those binding posts and the connections to coax drivers mid and tweeters= 7 sets per side... RPA!
More in a few days

That must have been exciting! in an otherwise dull day of fiddling!


I know when I make a tweak my system sounds better.  Then I find something new to tweak and it sounds better again.  With enough tweaks,  it might someday sound great. 

I have many uses for vaseline on my aging body, so there is not enough left for my wires.

For the haters: do you understand that a soldered connection will ALWAYS sound better than a metal push clip connection? Graphene comes very close to closing the gap (NPI) to soldered joints.

Just 24 hours in and the improvement is quite noticeable, especially for a mere $75, which should treat quite a few systems.

Hell Freezes Over (live recording) is a good place to start. WELL... the music is considerably more cohesive, clearer, sharper, BUT, much less edgy. Joe Walsh's guitar intro on Hotel California practically jumps out of the mix now

Next up I will treat all my PCs 


I’ve been back into listening to vinyl again going on three years, after about a 30 year hiatus. It was so much simpler back in the 1970’s through 1990’s.

after reading, reviewing many articles about specialty wires, then this recent fad of graphene additives and contact enhancers and all the rest.

 I decided to return to what has, for the true cognoscenti, worked in the past, pyramid energy.

the Alan Parsons project referred to it in song- indeed, I still use the same razor blade I first treated and stored inside a model of a pyramid in 1976.

so after considering some of the more modern nostrums, “patent medicine” for what ails your audio.

just make a pyramid out of spaghetti and modeling clay proportional to the size of your system and hang it above your system. Further improvements can be had by making them out of more exotic materials like silver or gold wire, and augmenting energy flow with amethyst crystals… or tourmaline.

Dark energy and it really works.
