Wall Art

Can anyone recommend where to find wall art for music, bands, etc ?  Thxs 

Happy Listening 🎶


This outfit has stock music art and does great work. I've had them stretch and frame a few canvases for me, and was impressed with their work every time.


BTW, if anybody wants to see my concert photos from the 70's but can't get into my Etsy shop for whatever reason, I also have my own website, www.mypixrock.com that you can see them on....

@larsman -- I don't know if it's my computer or your website, but I can't get anything other than the main webpage to load.  When I try to look at the photos or click any of the tabs, all I get is a blank screen.  Anybody else having this problem?


@allenf1963 - I see what you mean, Allen - thanks for bringing that to my attention; I'll talk to my web people about that.

Meanwhile, you should be able to see them on Etsy - just remember that it's case-sensitive, and it's MyPixRock. Thanks!