Class D Integrated Amplifier Recommendations.

Just curious to peoples experiences with current batch of Class D Integrated Amps available today.

I have been unimpressed with the offerings from NAD and find the Technics model's  lack soul. 

Trying to stay under $5,000.00

Thank you for any insight, recommendations. 




Possibly of interest. Ralph discussing his Class D in 2022 with SF Audio Society.


@nonoise No sir never had it in my system just a demo at a local dealer and was so un impressed I had no interest in an in home audition. Was a complete Technics system, Speakers, Integrated and CD.

No rub just not for me.

@juanmanuelfangioii you stated "Looking for Class D Integrated Amps" after my post, was that in response? The S2 is an integrated D class amp


@waorwraith no no not at all. Some folks are making recommendations of  AGD and others that re power amps. Sorry for the confusion.