Think Its Possible To Order Tubes From the Ukraine?

Having a set of tube amps being shipped to me this week. Its a pair of Audio Mirror Reflections monoblocks that use the 6C33C tubes. The amps come with one set of outputs and a pair of spares. I was thinking of ordering a backup set of tubes. After looking at the tube sites, the majority of them are Russian sellers, and that is not going to work due to current events. However, there are sellers from the Ukraine of this tube. Do you think a person can order from them and have a good chance of receiving their package?


You see, we happen to be more humane

There’s the mistake in your state’s logic. It is not humane to let people sink into the degradation of drug addiction and live on the streets, stealing to support their habits from honest people who have put their lives into their businesses. Nor is it humane to let the old and weak become victims of crime, afraid to leave their houses.

Think about the families of the two cops just killed by the "compassion" for violent criminals shown by LA DA Macron.  That's not compassion.  It's lack of common sense.

@twoleftears , I think it may be that the one who's the most obnoxious, profane and insane resides in the same state that this site operates out of. It could be a kindred spirit kind of thing.

All the best,

All violence in all ancient societies were banned by the distribution rules attributing a taboo prohibition for some group activities for a peculiar group but reinforced and allowed for and by some other group... Then all causes of violence were controlled and heavily channelled...

Rene Girard already demonstrated that all human society is explanable by the mechanism of canalization of violence...

This is so in traditional societies... And this is so after with the emergence of monotheistic religions in a more diluted way but in a more conscious way......

With the industrial era and especially after world war 2 after the financial era, which replaced the industrial era inherited from the 19 century, the mechanism of debt and interest rates in financial engineering had replaced taboo distribution and religion in society control... The mathematical formula behind derivative products even deserve a Nobel prize to the economist who create it....

What this means?

It means that the financial banks system and central bank system of fiat money have sacralized the debt mechanism in an iron trellis , this is the moloch sacrificial mechanism, by which all humanity is sacrificed for and by money to those anonymus stateless unelected corporate people who control it...

Anthropological studies and paleo economic studies demontrated not so long ago, that the religious taboo about debt and interest rate in biblical societies, which inherited it from his Mesopotamian imperialist origin demonstrated that each ruler must set all debts to zero for the sake of the creativity and renewal of all the soiciety...

The Rosetta stone in three language which Champollion use to understand Egyptian language is a tablet about universal debt forgiveness...

If not, without this regular debt forgiveness, the society will die by suicide under debts accumulation...Then the taboo about debt and the interest rate comes not from religious reason first like we were told 50 years ago, but from the sound and sane economic experience of these ancient ruler kings...

All empires who did not learned this lesson were doom...Money creation must be owned by the king for benefit of all, or in our modern society by the elected one for all, never by private interest....

Now think about the dying american country under the weight of his anonymus empire, enslaved and enslaving all with his neo liberal dogma ?

The next solution who point his head already is deemed to be a "new world order", a transhumanist society of total control, where the debt mechanism is replaced by the hacking and control of the brain and body imitating and surpassing Chinese absolute social totalitarian control...

It is where we are....

And at a crux on the road....


@atmasphere No, it appears it’s impossible to have an audio discussion without politics. The same thing happens in the Decware forum threads too. What also seems impossible is leaving character judgements aside. Civility and decency appear to be rare commodities in a society with too much time on their hands... Thank you COVID.

@nonoise I emailed Tammy about one of my posts this morning.  She restored it and told me she had no idea why it was taken down.  Which begs the question of who took it down.  Hmm.