McIntosh LB200?

What is your opinion of McIntosh LB200 - a box of nothing for $1,500? 

Ag insider logo xs@2xgubaface

Well this thread surely took an edified diversion.

Would it really take a lot of time for McIntosh to belt this stuff out?  I notice the online ads tend not to have it in stock, so maybe it is in the production phase.

Hey it’s an empty box with faceplate that doesn’t include the meters so maybe they can crank them.  And they clearly are going after the type of customer that will pay for a deluxe version of a classic vinyl album selling for $1K when they already own the album in 13 other formats.  As a corporate decision, it makes sense to separate those types from some more of their cash, no different from a shoe company selling a tee shirt with their logo emblazoned for $100

The old light box, was, well, just a light box.  The new one has an empty compartment to store misc. stuff like your Apple TV, smaller streamer, etc.  For us McIntosh users that have a rack of McIntosh, this is a great idea to hide stuff in your rack and keep things looking, well, fully McIntosh.

If I had space in my rack, I'd buy this.

Knowing how long it takes to get a product into production in a manufacturing environment, this light box was in the development process way before the current merger.

If you have a good relationship with your local McIntosh dealer, you don't pay $1500 (list price) for this.

@nonoise + 1 - you mean the name that new guy is using is the name of a race car driver? I don't follow car racing. 

But I'm not hip to Naomi Klein - please enlighten! 

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