McIntosh LB200?

What is your opinion of McIntosh LB200 - a box of nothing for $1,500? 

Ag insider logo xs@2xgubaface

The old light box, was, well, just a light box.  The new one has an empty compartment to store misc. stuff like your Apple TV, smaller streamer, etc.  For us McIntosh users that have a rack of McIntosh, this is a great idea to hide stuff in your rack and keep things looking, well, fully McIntosh.

If I had space in my rack, I'd buy this.

Knowing how long it takes to get a product into production in a manufacturing environment, this light box was in the development process way before the current merger.

If you have a good relationship with your local McIntosh dealer, you don't pay $1500 (list price) for this.

@nonoise + 1 - you mean the name that new guy is using is the name of a race car driver? I don't follow car racing. 

But I'm not hip to Naomi Klein - please enlighten! 

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