I need some help getting some custom made stain-less steel chassis made........Of  course none of the people selling them retail will tell me anything, and I can't pay list price for them , but I will buy larger amounts of them.....They would be the basic Dynaco style but with different holes......THANKS


Stainless might be quite expensive--it is very hard to cut and punch stainless.  I saw a beautiful linestage made by a specialty builder that was made of stainless steel.  But, when I inquired about that chassis, he said that he made a few that way and decided never to build out of stainless again--it took way more time, the tools wear out like crazy and the tiny metal splinters were much more of a hazard than regular steel splinters.  


Will, we've done stainless chassis at Marksman in St. Michael, MN

Of course you'll need a good drawing, preferably in some sort of computer file, like a DXF. But they can make parts from an actual drawing- don't send it on a napkin :)  my advise is to get only a very small run done at first; if there are bugs in the chassis or drawing you won't have paid for a big pile of them.

If you really want to be classy you can have the corners welded and ground- then have the whole thing polished.

One thing to keep in mind- you might want to do this in steel with a chrome finish because stainless provides almost no shielding. We get away with using stainless because our amps are fully balanced and differential, which prevents a lot of noise pickup so we really don't need the shielding.

You can buy brand new stainless steel chassis from also Tube4hifi. 

I bought some from last year for my Mk4 mono's. 

Dynaco replacement parts & vacuum tube audio amplifier kits from Dynakit (

tubes4hifi home page
