Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)

I found this article while surfing the web tonight. If it’s already been posted I apologize.



I'm not sure exactly when that article was written and I'm not so sure it even matters. Not only does today's music suck, but today sucks. And yes, I've finally morphed into my father.

Personally, I couldn't care less if some muso is a virtuoso or not - all I care about is they play well enough to serve the song. If they can't write good songs, they're worthless to me. If I never hear another drum solo/bass solo again, I'll be very happy. And electronic instrumentation is every bit as valid as "real" instruments. 

And more lust and more dope, PLEASE!!!

For those who believe contemporary music and artists suck, give us a list of the all the artists who suck.

I never listened to popular music even young...

I listened mainly choral music spanning centuries in European tradition, and Bach andother composers.....

And there is indeed good popular music for sure i listened too .... I like Bob Dylan or Leonard Vohen or Leo Ferré for example till today ...I listen Elena Frolova nowadays for example....Pure poetry...

But commercial music had never any appeal for me.... I never own one single commercial album i can listen to 2 times...( i forgot the one i ever bought, it was the third purchase and i was 13 years old, it was so bad i never bought any other commercial album for all my life ) I bought one Rolling Stone album....I listen to it 2 or 3 times and i discard it... 😁😊

Then commercial music of today for me is pure noise it is worst than Rolling Stone for example....I know i look like a "snub"...I am not, music for me is and has been always a spiritual or poetical event... If not, it is animal disturbing noise for me sorry...

I listen nowadays great actual musicians in jazz and classical, in India or Persia... And some others...

Then music has not lost his charms for me at all...

Commercial music had lost it for me long ago....

Who who read a bad novel Harlequin instead of Charles Dickens or Mark Twain?

And try Dostoievsky and call it a day.... 😁😊


Nevermind tastes, crocodiles had theirs too , music is an education first not a taste....

We take education to learn and develop  "new" tastes.... If not like crocodile we will stay with rotten corpses, they are meattier...  😁😊