Decco from Preachtree audio

Anyone out there have any experience with the Decco? Its a 50 wpc tube hybrid integrated amp with a built in DAC (usb, coax, and optical) It can be used as a dac/pre as well. Very versatile. It looks like its geared toward the ipod generation. Not necessarily a bad thing. . . I'm wondering if it belongs in a high end two channel system. Or could it be a big bang for the buck at $799?
Decco's manufacturer has offered to repair/replace the unit and paid for shipping to their address. According to the dealer who sold me the unit other than mine, defective units are non-existent.

Guess I'm just "lucky". Like I said I love the amp and can't wait for it's return.

In researching the Decco I ran across this thread. I am considering it for a simple system which is mostly for the large plasma, but I can't stand to have a room without music! How is it going with your new unit? Did they satisfy you with the replacement? How is the sound in your system?
It is now 2.5 years later, and Peachtree has nova, decco2, and others. how well is an original decco holding up in sound quality versus what is out now, ie how does the decco2 compare to the original decco? I think you can get an original for as little as 400 if you are lucky, whears a newer decco2 may run you 50% more, I highlt doubt its 50% better? Any thoughts? on differences..I assume Nova and others that are 3X the price are better, but how much better?