Zen mini mark III with lps or zen mark III

Looking to upgrade from bluesound vault 2 to something better. Trying out a Node 2021 at the moment but the difference is not huge. The Node goes USB into an Aesthetix Romulus and the Vault goes in over coax. Interestingly, while the Node is the source I can play file from the Vault hard drive. Would like to know if spending a multiple of the cost of the Node to get into a zen is going to be really noticeable. Thanks


My rule of thumb is to never spend less than 2x or more on an upgrade or you are likely to just make a horizontal move. I don’t think I have ever been disappointed following this rule. However, I do a lot of research to make sure the sonic characteristics are consistent with my values… level of detail, sonic balance…. Etc.

Given the modest cost of Bluesound, I would recommend a new or used Aurender… the most basic is at least a level or two of performance above Bluesound.

I own both the Zen Mini 3 with LPS and the Zen Mk3.

I think either will be a considerable improvement over the Bluesound.

Aurrender is also a good choice, but you are limited to Qobuz and Tidal.

I like the Innuos due to it integrating with Roon, which I find to be worth the money.

Take a look at the Aurilac Aries G1. One of my audio friends believes it to be a great deal for the money.



I have the Zen Mk3 and the Denafrips Pontus II DAC, I think the Zen Mk3 is definitely worth the $$. By the time you buy the Mini, and the LPS upgrade, you have almost spent enough to go to the Zen. Only reason to do the Mini IMO would be if you were not running a separate stand alone DAC.  

Thanks all. Starting to realize the 2x rule makes a lot of sense. Seems painful at first but no worse than realizing many small upgrades is no bargain. I’ll check out your recommendations. Going to see John Rutan on Saturday to pick up something else so I’ll plan a couple of extra hours with him. 

I faced this question a while back and chose the Innuos Zen Mk3. I've been very happy with the choice. The sound is clear and natural, and the Innuos Sense software is easy to use and optimizes sound quality. As carzmaguy88 pointed out, the Zen costs only a little more than the Mini after adding the external power supply.