Owning Up To It

Please cite the most forgettable moment in the history of your favorite band. Remember; This is for posterity, so please include as many details as possible :)))

Moondance Jam. Walker Minnesota, 2018. My vote goes to the young lady that forgot to lock the door behind her when she entered the Port-a-Potty. It’s always nice to meet new people at music festivals.

I know this doesn’t quite hit the target for the OP’s theme, but thought it was worth mentioning.

I've been to literally, thousands of concerts over my life, including some of the bands mentioned on this thread, can't recall a single incident of a really bad concert. Some didn't live up to my expectations, but not what I'd call bad.


Since we're picking on Bob, did see him at some outdoor venue many years ago, real Dylan fanboys out there, thought the concert mediocre at best, seemed like disinterested and distant person/performer to me. Thing I most recall most is how the fanboys just loved this mediocre concert, certainly cult of personality thing going on there.