Moving from integrated to separates

So far, I have mostly owned integrated amplifiers. The only time I owned separates was when I had Parasound A21 and Parasound P6. Since then I have bought many integrated amps, and they have all been excellent for the most part. My current amp is the Audio Hungary Qualiton a50i which is by far the best integrated tube amp I have owned. It is a pure class A amp that is surprisingly powerful even though it provides only 50 watts. However, I recently bought new speakers -- Joseph Audio Perspective2 Graphene (which are replacing Harbeth SHL5+). Given the low sensitivity, I was expecting the Qualiton won’t be able to handle the speakers, but I think the rather benign (relatively speaking) impedance of the speakers helps, and to my surprise the amp is driving the speakers quite well. Even the bass is quite tight and punchy a far as tube amps go. To be very honest, I can easily live with this amp for a long time. But what’s the fun in being an audiophile then :)

That being said, I realize that 50 watts are 50 watts. I have a feeling that the Perspective2’s will scale even better with more power. Instead of looking for another integrated, I think I’m ready to give another shot to separates. But what is not negotiable at this time is that I simply won’t move to solid state, not even hybrid. I have tried a few integrated SS amps (last one was Luxman 590AXII), and while most of them were amazing in their own right, I have realized that I am at heart a tube guy. I’m not naive and I certainly understand the negatives associated with tubes (less bass, some loss of dynamics, etc.), but for now I’m looking for an all-tube solution.

So fellow audiogoners, please provide suggestions as you see fit. A few key asks:

1. Both the amp and pre-amp must be tube-based. No hybrids at this time. If you suggest an amplifier please also suggest the accompanying pre-amp that mates well. I’m not very savvy when it comes to matching the components so feel free to educate me :)

2. I’m also open to mono-blocks, but my budget might be a limiting factor. Total budget is $12,000 (for both pieces). To get the most mileage I think I will have to buy used.

3. I’m not a fan of the ’modern’ tube sound. I owned Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II and thought it sounded more like an SS amp at times. However, this does not mean I’m looking for the vintage ’romantic’ sound of the past. My Qualiton a50i is a good example of straddling the fine line between sounding too modern and overly lush or romantic. Something in between is highly desirable.

4. I love my Qualiton a50i and don’t plan on selling it. I’ll move it to my second system. The only reason I want to try out separates is to get more power. I’m thinking at least 100 watts if not more - preferably in class A but not carved in stone. However, more power should not come at the expense of losing the ’magic’ of tubes.

5. I don’t need any built-in phono, DAC, tone controls, etc. in the preamp. But a remote control is a must.

6. And lastly it has to look good. I know, I know ... looks should be secondary to SQ, but what can I say. Maybe I’m vain when it comes to audio.

I really appreciate any recommendations. I know I’m asking for a lot and maybe you guys will tell me that $12K is not enough given the desired attributes. Since I’m buying used I’m prepared to create a short list of maybe 4-5 suggested combinations and buy as and when the components become available in the market. Also, feel free to educate me as to what to look for to create the right synergy between the preamp and amp beyond just the technicalities.

Thank you in advance for your help.


I have not heard any Qualiton amp so I cannot say how it compares to the Synthesis.  These days, certain types of tubes are overlooked by the market because, within a given basic design, transformer requirement, etc., these tube types do not deliver as much power, and power sells. 

But, many of these overlooked types deliver great sound.  I am particularly a fan of 6L6 tubes, but, the current market is not interested because, for the same manufacturing cost, one can make a KT 120 or KT 150 amp which will smoke the 6L6, in terms of output.  It may well be the case that you need the extra power of these tube types, but, it is still worth your effort to hear a really good 6L6 amp, or its cousin, the KT 66.  There is something quite special about some of the low-powered pentode/tetrode tubes.

I happen to own a pair of quite efficient speakers, so I have the opportunity to run some really low-powered tubes in pushpull that sound fantastic.  I run the Western Electric 349 output tube which is a relative of the 6L6, but it delivers much less power.  My amp supposedly puts out about 5.5 watts per channel.  I've been running the same tubes for well over ten years and the tubes were of who-knows-what-age when I got the amp (old stock tubes).  The amp pushes the tubes very gently.  This is a good thing because the 349s cost a fortune if you can even find them for sale.

I totally agree it’s a worthwhile experiment to try a higher-powered amp as, as good as it may still sound, if you’re pushing an amp to the higher end of its limits you’re not hearing it at its best.  That said, I have to say I’d be sorely tempted to try this VAC listed here at 150Wpc...

You can obviously resell at little/no loss if it doesn’t work out for you, but it’ll still answer a lot of the valid questions you have.

@arafiq That’s a nice looking amp you got there!  I did a similar thing you are going to do. I had PrimaLuna HP but suspected more power for my speakers was in order (Sonus faber Guarneri evolutions) and more power, in this case, was the cure. Like you I kept the "old" amp for a B system...maybe a C system..who knows. 

I think for your 12K budget keeping to integrated best. Or used and not very rencent will be the way.

This will blow many amps away Rogers High Fidelity EHF-200 MK2 Integrated Tube Amplifier LIFETIME WARRANTY Uses a remote to operate.

as will this Rogers High Fidelity KWM-88 Integrated Tube Amplifier LIFETIME WARRANTY Run’s from an iPad or phone. Got this one and sent it back and had it moded for KT170's. Even my wife said wow and she could care nary a fig. Try it for 30 days! This stranger on the internet says so.

As Ebay takes 13% a phone call to Rogers HiFI will save you that and more.(Hint)

And there’s PS Audio where for your budget you can get excellent separates. Done. But no tubes...But.....

You could also do a PRIMALUNA EVO 300 HYBRID TUBE INTEGRATED AMP PrimaLuna Separates will top over 12K

And the much maligned in these parts McIntosh's get 'er done.