Is blasphemous Music ok?



Indeed, in both cases it was the oppression (Catholicism and slavery) that sparked the creative spirit. Music, or more properly song, has always been a source of hope for the oppressed.

Given the strong influence of the Catholic Church on the make-up of the current US Supreme Court,  one finds Tim Minchin's  "Pope Song" increasingly relevant:


Just in case anyone hasn't heard the unedited song. All the necessary ingredients for a country song are there...just a little, well...


Immediately post-college I dated a woman whose mom was born again. She considered The Grateful Dead to be "devil music". So yes, emphatically!

This all reminds me of attending Black Flag concert In Pontiac Mi sometime in 80's, same night Pope speaking at Silverdome. I recall thinking how ironic adherents passing the blasphemous adorned with  spiiked mohawks, tats, body jewelry, leather on the streets of Pontiac Mi. on this one particular night in this one particular place, and I get to experience it!

I think that the OP should give us a definition of what would constitute "blasphemous" music.

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