Vinyl, CD's and Digital Files Accumulated Over A Lifetime


I fully intend to listen to all of the music that I've purchased in my lifetime, and I am on schedule to do it by my 592nd birthday.


Yes, burning CDs to a server can be a daunting task, particularly editing metadata that is wrong or not found by whatever service you use for the task.  I have a lot of classical CDs and many have no automatically populating data about the CD; it is no fun filling in 30 different tracks on an opera CD in a foreign language.  When I got my first server, I had about 3,000 CDs to load.  This took about a month of evenings.  I now have about 5,000.  You can bet I have a number of back up hard drives because I am not loading this many CDs manually again.

That's why I enjoy making a playlist of a few thousand of my favorite songs and then letting them run through on 'shuffle' - that way I'll hear things I never would have gotten around to otherwise. Obviously I still won't be able to hear everything, but I like the randomness of it...

I've all my downloads copied onto USB which goes in the cars. Helps rack up some hours of listening time.