Lumin U2 Mini

I was hoping to get user feedback on the Lumin U2 Mini. I currently have a Vault 2i and have really enjoyed it. The Lumin looks appealing to me for several reasons . I was hoping to find a server that would allow me to pull my Vault files through the network but it seems Bluesound is a closed ecosystem and doesn’t support UPnP . That said I noticed the Lumin has digital inputs . This would allow me to use anything in the Vault through the Lumin and my DAC 

I was also wondering how the Lumin app works compared to BluOS. Thanks !



Point is that people are intent on repeating rather monotonously that streamers costing 300% more than the Bluesound sound better as if it is a revelation.

All just because the BluOS app spanks theirs.  Ha

A lot of people come here asking about streamer sound quality because there are many here who say streamer = streamer.  So to some it is indeed a revelation. Yes, even the cheapest Lumin is much more expensive than the Node. But to me it was worth the $$. And the bluos app, while slightly better, doesn’t “spank” the Lumin app. 

So I will repeat this “monotonously”, you pays your money and you takes your choice. My choice was the Lumin, price disparity notwithstanding.

Thanks again to all who replied...   I actually did a complete 180° , switched gears and am having  DHT preamp built.   I'll revisit streamers after the new year.   Thanks !

Also, transferring files from the Vault is pretty easy. 
muse the IP address of the Vault as in \\

and you will see three subfolders.  Some are the main storage, one is unknown albums, and the other is indexing. 
fron there it is drag and drop. Allow plenty of time, do 4 or 10 artist at a time and go from there.