Anyone else feel like it’s the Wild Wild West?

I’ve been following the streaming threads here for a while now, and I find it both exhilarating and intimidating.  I mean, we all know everything in high-end audio matters to some degree or another, right (Ok, maybe except for the flat earth contingent)?  From what I’m reading and from my own experience the process of optimizing steaming has near unlimited potential, and some even say it rivals or even surpasses vinyl if taken to the max.  Cables, routers, optical, filters, extenders, power supplies, switches, etc., they all seem to make a significant difference despite the naysayers who say bits are just bits.  I’m all in on this steaming renaissance, but most of the jewels of useful info are buried in other posts, so I’d like to have this be a consolidator post of your best streaming experiences and recommendations for others who could benefit greatly from your hard-won victories and maybe save a lot of people the agony you went through to get to streaming nirvana.  So have at it — let’s empower this community in this noble task and help everyone realize the amazing potential of this magic gift to audiophiles.  What say you?


Just started streaming a couple of months ago. Bought a New Node and it wasn’t right and returned it. Got a second one and it works well. Last week had some issues with BluOS and the customer service was pretty good. They responded fairly quickly and took responsibility for the problem and emailed when it was fixed. I have no complaints with BlueSound, however I feel they are but a gateway drug for upgradeitis. 

I'm with @mike_in_nc  ."best" is not the object, musical enjoyment is. The choice of musical program makes far more difference than any "system enhancements."  He might find more refinement with better power supplies but no "need" for him to look.

Not surprised that an honest digital post here is overrun with 'phobes' from the 80's days of raw digital. 

Moving on.




For anyone who is feeling like it’s the Wild West and have confusion about certain aspects of digital, please always feel free to call or PM me with questions. I’m happy to chat without any pressure of making a sale. I have first hand experience with dozens of DACs, Streamer/servers, cables, switches, etc. I also have a background in technology and am still a technology consultant working for General Motors to date, so my understanding of hardware and software, connectivity, etc is pretty high.

I am now at a place where my reference digital surpasses the performance of my vinyl rig in about 90% of music. There are still some special pressings I prefer on vinyl. 


I myself bought an ifi zen and ended up returning it within a couple weeks. It was so freaking difficult connecting to it with my android phone, I gave up. Glad to hear connecting it with a computer works for you. Anyway bought a bluesound NODE instead and I am not looking back. The bluos app works easily on android and the wifi signal is super strong in my house of stereo with a tp-link wifi extender. One thing I learned is using it strictly over wifi caused the bluos app not to recognize the bluesound player pretty much every day. So I would have to uninstall and reinstall the bluos app and it would recognize it again. Finally tried a bluejeans ethernet cable to connect the bluesound to the extender and it completely remedied the problem. Recognizes the blue sound immediately every time. Also just got the Teddy Pardo linear power supply specifically made for the bluesound, definite upgrade in clarity and space. Using a shunyata venom 14 pc for it. The rest of my connections is clearly laid out in my system. The things I feel I will not invest in is ethernet filters or any other kind of boxes before the streamer as the blackness is as good as with my Jay's cd player. There is absolutely zero interference in the signal. Probably the isolation of the house of stereo from the main house. Or just lucky. Anyway, just like you I am totally embracing the streaming technology, who knew.



You bring up a good point. A high end integrated can surpass mid-range separates, very true.

Each companies product lines are: Flagship = two box single function (like DAC, amp, or preamp), first level down… single box function, next level down… integrated of two functions… etc.


Why? Sharing space, power supplies, and functions compromises the performance. Also, upgrading… means the whole box when integrated… unless with swapable circuit boards (a huge sound compromise).

For folks that have limited funds (+95%) of audiophiles, every purchase is a compromise, with the expectation of an upgrade in the future. So, individual boxes at the highest level affordable is the way to go. Slowly and incrementally build a better system over time.

The big expensive integrated components are mostly for really well healed folks that want great sound and want it hidden and would never dedicate the thousands of hours over out lifetime an audiophile will to appreciate and assemble a system to cater to their desire for great sound.